The Crest of the Knights Hospitallers, The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, The Ecumenical Order.

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Abs of Steel!!

Yeah! Check this out!

Oh wait- you cant see em. HA!

   Turns out Godliness is something that you can exercise, but cant see as you would, say- Abs... Am I saying I'm a complete work of art when it comes to Godliness? Heck no! This is my point: Some people walk around with ripped abs and has that fake look on his face that literally screams to the world...

"You only wish you were this hot!"

 Ughh... Makes me sick.

   But in almost the same way- don't people who pretend to be holy or godly that have that look or feeling of "You only wish you were as close to God as I am!" Honestly- That too makes me sick, because from their point of view, it's all about them! I bet they pray more in public than in private...
*cough, cough*

Why cant we set better examples of who God is in our lives by not trying to be perfect, (because only Jesus is) but to tell everyone what your testimony is, where you came from, the struggles you had, and even tell some the struggles your currently having so you can start fighting! Is it so bad to be honest enough with our self so spur other's on to greatness by being vulnerable? Man- we are so selfish as humans.

(Note: Here's some online testimonies to watch: http://vimeo.com/generationsofvirtue/videos)

Anyway! From rock hard abs to the bowing of heads... What's real? What's for show? Who's the star? Did you know that your abs of steel and crunches wont last forever? I mean exercise is good because it helps you live LONGER, but does it stand the test of eternity? nope. (2nd Corinthians 4:18)

So stop trying to live by the rules of men and women, popularity, or even yourself. Live to please God alone, and one day, you will hear "Well done, good and faithful servant"

1st Timothy 4:8
 "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."

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