The Crest of the Knights Hospitallers, The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, The Ecumenical Order.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The tape recorder (w/music)

Stock Photo- Kay's Hotel is to the left of the giant blue tower. 
**If possible, listen to this song as you read below**

   The event today was full of maybe 300 youth- I didn’t count, but the massive auditorium was pretty full. Along with the GOV Team, I was able to speak (Using a translator) to the youth about my testimony and share with them about the chains that hold you back. Looking into the future, would you wish you had a chance to be free? Lying on your death bed as an old person, would you have traded it all to just be free from the addictions of pornography? The regret of Abortion? The shame you hold onto?

   The entire night had an underlying theme of freedom, and let me tell you, after we were done, we had the chance to pray for anyone who wanted it. I prayed for a number of people who wanted to dedicate themselves to purity or break the chains of pornography. One man I prayed with got pretty intense! I had him show everything in the light- I told him that nothing will scare me, that your in a battle and need someone to fight with you… He told me 2 things, and I wrapped his hands in a chain from my wallet, symbolizing his addiction that is holding him captive.
   I realized as I started praying that I loved this guy! He wanted more of God, and the freedom that He only gives. I told him that when you want to, take off the chains and drop them on the floor, just like you leave those 2 things here, they are off you and wont come back on, because it was YOUR choice to let those chains on you and it’s YOUR choice now to take them off and give them to God and run free for the first time in years. So after saying that I prayed an intense prayer that I never even heard before, doing massive warfare for this kid, he started crying, still holding tightly to those chains, feeling their grip, identifying their hold on his life. I saw him uncoil the chains on his hands and prepare to drop them, and during my prayer, unaware of when he would drop them, I heard the familiar chain sound hit the floor, and just then he was physically knocked back by the presence of God, coughing a deep, phlegm cough that resonated deep in him about 4 times (he never coughed before or after) but I kept him up because I wasn’t about to let my battle partner fall. I continued in prayer as he stood like a piece of human jelly, obviously what was in him was defeated and gone, I prayed that the Lord would fill him, fill the areas that were torn out, making him a whole being, one who could find himself strong, and fight.

   After the prayer, his eyes glazed over, he simply said “Thank you Tim” and I quickly said “Dude- thank God!” and he closed his eyes and started worshiping without a second thought, I gave him a hug shortly after and said “Breathe the free air again” and gave him one of the many coins that my dad gave me to hand out to the youth over here, as a reminder of what happened today, your choice, and that God madly loves you. The rest of the night I saw him on the floor, worshipping and soaking in Gods presence.

   ***Thank you God for your freedom and acceptance, the pure love that you have for us that everyone needs to experience more than just words on a page, but the room filling presence of God through a simple choice of letting go, and letting God. Amen.***
   Just before the night was over, I had the privilege of talking to a mom who had a daughter and a son (Both kids over 20). The son had a girlfriend who got pregnant, and her parents forced her to have an abortion.  Devastated, the Son now has depression and bouts with suicidal thoughts.

   The mother who was telling me all this told me that everyone was in the Philippines and needed prayer, and wondered if… (as she slipped out a tape recorder) …you could pray for my son?
   I’m not going to lie, I was like “Long distance prayer! SWEET! Reach out and touch someone!” but I knew God was up to something, and He was.
   I began praying for the son, his broken, bleeding heart, healing, etc… It was pretty stereotypical until God moved upon me to tell the mother during the prayer “Tell your son you love him” and she said it about 10 times, being more emotional each time, then slipping in “I’m so proud of you, my son” nearly holding on to me because she was pouring into her son after I did, but little did I know it was God’s turn… and I’m getting misty eyed just thinking about this, but God showed me his aborted son, alive in heaven, and I told him that! I said as I quickly bursed into the sobbing tears where you cant speak, but managed to brokenly utter:

“Your baby is in heaven, looking at you…”

“Saying: “Daddy…”

“I love you”

“I cant wait to see you”


"I'm OK, don't be sad, I'm OK"

   In the middle of me saying all of that I was weeping over the tape recorder, holding the mother, weeping together, praying for healing…

   This went on for 10 minutes of recorded prayer for her daughter, the family, everything. And I KNOW FOR A FACT that as true as God was moving through me during all that prayer, lives will be eternally touched because of listening to God and obeying Him.

Do you have any chains that hold you back? Maybe it’s addictions, mistakes, or regret, or anything for that matter! Make a choice to let it Go, Find someone you trust to help you break the chains that hold you back from living a life of physical and eternal freedom, Choose.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tim's Choices (With Asia Pics)

    As a Child, I looked up into the stars frequently, loving a particular set of stars that were always there. Those set of stars I later found out to be "Orion's' belt". Since then I have looked at those stars at regular intervals in my life, at times looking back and asking myself if I could just go back in time to fix something. Other times, just playing my bass and singing to God in a field, stopping only to notice Orion's belt, smiling and thanking God for His creation.

   Even now I look back on the choices I have made, find very few habits that have stood time, but more importantly, my choices. 

   It was shortly after my birth I was given to a family who God later told them that "I needed a Timothy David" later making me think of the verse "Many are called, but few are chosen" and if God 'needed' me... I must be on a whole different scale! Making me press in and train for the trials I would face, not realizing the trials ahead would train me themselves, and God using multiple events over a long period of time to even still train me for something, leading tSavedo my time in Masters Commission, in Missoula, Mt.

   Watching how a church intimately functioned was an incredible point of view, how some people could be could love people and be Christians during sunday, but different people after church, perfect happy people during church, and after church, have daughters who have abortions and secret sins that the light is simply waiting to hit, but the people with the sins wont let it hit them, so they cover it up, and pretend that God is good without experiencing his fullness and love. Some Christians need to let go, and let God be their physician.

   I told my current pastor during bible college "It'd weird to think how all of my choices have led me to this place, right here, right now, with all of you" and since then I have analyzed how my decisions have led my life, but I cant say that or lift myself up without showing that God alone is why these choices became available, without God, I would be somewhere completely else, pursuing some job that I had only for ME, only for Money or glory. It's funny how we as Christians can still pursue our own glory, leaving every person in the dust when we receive a blessing. Well good news- I looked up my family crest a while ago and in English it says "We are not born to ourselves alone" Basically... Don't live for yourself, live to do what the bible says!! You would be surprised how much you would learn is you actually read the bible. When have you ever chosen  read the bible just to read it like a letter or novel? So many people read it so they can fall asleep at night!! WE ARE IN A WAR PEOPLE! Satan would love it if we divided ourselves, our interests, so that we were a nation of "I" rather than a unified people serving God? Satan would love it if the bible was just a book our grandparents read, and all it meant to us was just a feeling of security or a means to sleep well, only a symbol of dead religion... and not a love letter to us.

I loved swords and Knights as a young child
In 6th grade I was inspired to have a sincere heart for people.
As a Junior in High school (16 years old) I was knighted by my pastor and began a ministry for young men
At 18 years old I had a job for years helping people with developmental disabilities.
At 23 I attended a bible college, earning nearly all of my work for being a pastor.
At 28 I was knighted into the OSJ
Now, I continue to CHOOSE to do the right thing, to love God, and Love others, in that order.

And I still look back saying "All these choices have led me to right here, right now, with these people."
In Malaysia, the Twin towers. (With some of our group)

Some of the best "Saytay" In the world. Singapore.
The largest beer mug in the world.

just above a sink in a restaurant
I had no idea what he was saying.

Sunset in Malaysia.
Do yourself and your future a favor, Love God, and Love others.
If you pursue your own goals, you would be surprised  how unfulfilled you will be when you actually achieve it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

To help a boy.

Those colored boxes are containers- the kind you see on Semi-Trucks. 50 years of industry and conservation success.

   It’s the 3rd event I was helping out at, a few days ago, and it was in the town of Singapore, speaking to a bunch of youth.  Before we started with the event, those of us who were free to, talked and hung out with some of the youth. Literally before the event started I sat down with a boy who looked very disinterested. As I sat there, kids piling in the room I asked him “What’s your name?” he simply put his head on his hands. I then asked him “What? Did you have a bad day at school or something?” I heard him say something to the effect of “Something like that” as he began to cry, trying to make the other kids not notice.

    As the kids piled in, I really couldn’t strike up a conversation because it was getting pretty loud in there, so I simply scribbled on a piece of paper “Hey- I need to go start the event with the team, but really want to talk to you later, ok?” and walked away.

    The team ministered, taught, and played movie clips, I was watching this boy… His countenance slowly changing over the course of an hour from a confused and upset boy to at least smiling, and as the students left after the event, I heard his voice far away on a balcony yelling “Tim!, Tim!- I’ll be in the canteen!” (lunchroom). I gave him a thumbs up and quickly ran inside to ask if it was appropriate and timely to meet him down there, it was, and I ran down the stairs to meet him.

    Walking through the crowds of people it was hard to see the short lad… but just like that he appeared randomly in the crowd and quietly asked “do you want something to drink?” I smiled and walked away with him in the lunchroom- He gave me a quick tour and paid for me to have a Dr. Pepper. He grabbed a root beer and we walked away talking.

    This boy spoke of moving from his home in America to Singapore a few years earlier, having troubles keeping friends, and being picked on. Oddly enough, I found we had a lot of the same history regarding those and emotional issues. In the short time I was with him, we were able to identify those issues and give quick guidance and encourage him.
    As we were driving away in the taxi, I saw the buy walking home, waving and smiling with a huge smile. Julie said “His countenance was glowing” and I dually attest to that. Driving away I couldn’t help but wonder what our next encounter would be like in a few days time…

"Maxi Cab"
   We pulled up to the school in a taxi again, and this time I quicky looked around and asked myself “How many more contacts and people can I impact today?” So we headed upstairs and began to set up for the day’s events.

   It was interesting as all the youth poured in, I looked at them all and wondered If God was going to touch them like God touched the boy through me. After all the students sat down, Julie started speaking and everyone on the team talked, giving their testimony and casting out wisdom and life, hoping that the students would get catch what was being thrown at them.   
   So it was my time to talk, and knew what I was going to talk about, and since the school’s basketball team was the “Knights” I knew that they all at least knew what a knight was. I continued speaking about my life story, and how encouragement has a huge role to play, how you should love God first, then love others. I spoke of my 6th grade teeter totter experience, how I moved to Montana, with no friends, and no food because someone ate my lunch. It was in that moment I was crying, wondering when my life was going to be “normal” again. Someone walked up to the teeter totter, and sat down on the other side, sharing his lunch with me without saying a word.
(Stock Photo)
      While I was sharing this story with the group, I called out the boy by name and had him stand by me, I told the class I was a real knight, knighted by the prince of Greece.  The kids were impressed enough to listen to what I was about to say. I gave the boy next to me my necklace, engraved on it is the OSJ symbol I swore to wear, stated in the oath of a knight- and is just a symbol of what the character of a knight should be, the standard we live by. So I gave the boy the necklace and encouraged him as well as the youth listening that you can need to keep building the character you have in you, add to it, and you will be amazed where God takes you. “This kid and I have gone through a lot of the same stuff, but if you CHOOSE to run for God, amazing things will happen”
   After the event was over, I met the boy along with 8 other students who were curious about how the Knight thing happened, and now I simply say “Someone saw how I live, in public and private”.

Do you live honorable in public and private? It’s really difficult to live a double life, lying about being a worthy person and living a life of sin when you think no one is looking…
(Stock photo - William Wallace)
  • Be real about your issues, public and private, then fight what is evil, and hold on to what is good.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The list of stuff I’ve done (And Dare you to do)

This is actually one of the things I haven't done... So high! (Stock Photo)
Ok, so here's a list of a bunch of things I have done, *some* of them I seriously dare you to do.

Make your own list of things you want to do, and run toward them. Fine someone who can help you accomplish your own set of goals, just remember, without God in the mix, it's all useless, and you'll feel it.

1- Co-Pilot a plane, and take control for 10 Min.

2- Cook a 6 course meal for 4 people.

3- Watch a movie from a projector by yourself, eating popcorn.

4- Canoe a river in Montana with 3 other canoe's.

5- Urinate off of the back of a fire truck, on duty, as it's headed to a fire.

6- Have an elephant purposefully dump you into a river.

7- Record an album as a member of a band.

8- Get a serious foreign illness that effects your stomach.

9- Jump into an East Glacier river (Montana).

10- Get stung by a jellyfish in the Mexican side of the gulf of Mexico.

11- Driving, Slide off a hill in winter and hit a tree.

12- Cut your leg with a chainsaw, 7 stitches.

13- Love others more than yourself.

14- Choose to go to church.

15- Learn to swordfight.

16- Throw up out of a moving bus' window.

17- Learn how to use a soundboard.

18- Get Knighted.

19- Eat Malaysian food, in Malaysia.

20- Drink a can of "100 Plus"

21- Meet a real prince

22- Upgrade a computers hardware, Ram, and Hard drive.

23- Listen to an entire Justin Bieber album and clean a garage.

24- Drive around in a black Cadillac Escalade, having your hair as a fohawk, and wearing sunglasses, listening to your favorite tunes.

25- Sit down in your room at night, Drink hot tea, and write in a journal.

26- Swing off a rope connected to a condemned bridge, into a river.

27- Sleep on a beach.

28- Pray for someone over the phone and God heals them while your on the phone with them.

29- Watch napoleon dynamite entirely in Spanish.

30- Direct and produce a movie.

31- Pray for over 50 women, and get words from God for each one.

32- Be a horse for little girls, let them ride you around for 15 min.

33- Chemically burn the hair off your chest, on purpose.

34- Throw a large metal object at a window, have it bounce back to hit you between the eyebrows.

35- Travel halfway around the world.

36- Fix a laptop for free, that a professional said would cost over $2000.

37- Give away $2000 to a good cause.

38- Be a bodyguard for over 10 women.

39- Beat Super Mario Bros. 1,2, and 3 for NES.

40- Photograph Lightning, with a camera, not a video camera.

41- Be a best man in 2 weddings, but weeks before the wedding the groom picks someone else, each time.

42- Have a 4 wheeler flip over you as a mountain your riding on is on fire.

43- Have a snowmobile flip over you and hit a tree.

44- Learn to play 4 instruments.

45- Sing loudly in a mall.

46- Drive around a busy city wearing big nose and glasses.

47- Be the employee of the year.

48- Find Waldo… Working as a store employee.

49- Look at a gate your about to go through and say "What do they have in there? King Kong?"

50- Travel on a train for 48 hours.

51- Make a Toilet out of snow, and use it.

52- Pirate 1Tb. (I don't do that anymore by the way)

53- Sing in the shower and start worshiping until God's presence is as thick as the water around you.

54- Stop your car ON the highway (not off to the side), get out of the car, stretch, smile, look at the scenery, and then drive off.

55- Cannonball off a diving board.

56- Meet a billionaire.

57- Eat a full dinner in the shower.

58- Memorize over 500 bible verses.

59- Learn to make sushi.

60- Sail for a week in the Caribbean.

61- Catch a tuna and eat a piece of it raw while it's still warm.

62- Have someone love you enough to read Lord of the Rings to you.

63- Go on a safari, quoting Jurassic park every once in a while.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Obedience (Life Lesson)

(This was originally posted on my facebook page as a note)
   So many of us get that talk at a young age, and we listen for a few years, then when were a teenager (for some reason) we just ignore everything that... well... you get the point. Rebellion is the opposite of obedience, and for some reason, I have only heard the word "Obedience" referring to either Dogs or when someone is getting a talking to from parents...
Brave cat? or Strong Dogs?

Here's a fun test to figure out where you are. (If you cant choose one, pick the one that seems the best fit, be honest, dont read down until you have your answers- think about your answers.)

Pick a mindset and continue...
If you are more apt to say:
"I have the opportunity to obey" Then go to comment 1
or maybe "I'll do my own thing" Go to comment 2

Comment 1) Either you have begun to understand or do understand the value of obedience, and even though you have no idea where I'm going with this, you personally either: (See below comment 2 in BOLD Letters for your personal message)
A>Choose to Obey those in authority over you.
B>Obey people you like or choose yourself.
C>Take what people say as a suggestion, and do it whenever your able, if you want to.

Comment 2) What's the point of serving others or obeying people? I mean, if you think about it, what does it get you in the end? right? If you feel even slightly like that, you should relate to one of these sentences. (See BOLD Numbers below to the one you pick)
1> I can see it's important to obey some people, I just do it to make them happy.
2>If I'm afraid of someone, i'll obey them! Id rather obey a thug than a preacher anyday! :D
3>Honestly, I dont care. I'm reading this because I want to, not like words can change who I am
4>Anyone who thinks they can boss me around are either dumb or control freaks.
5>The only things worth serving is myself, I don't even know why I'm reading this.

You are a part of a team.
A- Why do you choose to obey those people who have authority over you? If you honestly chose this letter, please read through all the corresponding letters and numbers, you will be able to pick out all the nuggets of truth and make for yourself a huge reason to why authority is to be obeyed.

B- Once you start to Choose to obey people in your life, you gotta ask yourself "Why to I obey them" maybe it's because you just want to keep them as a friend or even because you feel forced to! Either way, you need to obey those in AUTHORITY in your life, there's a structure that is in place that "Conformists" didnt build, God built it. So if you "Choose" to obey someone, ask yourself "Am I doing this for God? Them? or Me? And once you think about it, the result may shock you.

C- Did you know that God is the King of Kings? He's the one who created everything and gave you life... Your not an accident, and He wants to give you purpose, not to live to play Xbox or PS3 all day. Even tho that can be fun, are you being obedient? It's one thing for God to ask you to do something "Climb this mountain" and it's another for your parents to ask "Wash the dishes" Oh wait... hold on... why would you obey God and not your parents? It says in the Bible that  "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much..." (Luke 16:10a) so if you want the blessings God has for you, start with the dishes :) you get it?
Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right (Notice the words "...in the Lord") What does that mean?? hmmm

1-You do it to make them happy? Maybe even make them "think" that their in control, well guess what... If they are in leadership over you, and your not obeying (or maybe you are, but not in attitude) and you think everythings going to be ok? because "It doesnt matter" Check this out:
Hebrews 13:17 "Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you"
   So we can apply that their IS a profit to obedience then... and if your obeying those in authority because you want "a profit" and still have a good heart attitude, GO FOR IT! It's perfectly fine to run a race, knowing that their is a prize waiting for you at the end! so Run!
2 Timothy 2:5 "And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules"

2- Sure you can see the importance of obeying some people, like cops, if they say "Put the gun down" and you disobey... Your life is in danger! But if God says "Say hello to that guy" and you dont... what does that mean? Will I get shocked with lightning? Well, no, but disobedience has it's own way of showing itself, and honestly, we dont see it because we expect God to come and spank us like our parents did, It was OBVIOUS when we disobeyed, and because of those spankings, I fear wooden spoons. 
    "Colossians 3:22 Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God."
     Ok, so dont fear the spoon... Fear God... Actually the word fear here is better understood as "Divine Respect" Imagine if your boss came to dinner? better clean the house! Gotta make a good impression and look better than "Normal". What if the Governor came to dinner? Better look good and prepare a small speech, would you want him to hear what you had to say? you may not have this opportunity, ever! What if the President came to dinner, and it was going to be on the news?! Oh man! Watch what you say, act proper, look good, prepare a small speech on your life goals, Etc. would you sweat?  
What if God wanted to spend 10 minutes with you? would you care? or would you just go back to YOUR stuff, cause if you do, THATS what you will get... Your stuff- Not His. It's in the "Sincerity of heart" amazing things happen.

  • Exodus 23:22But if you indeed obey His voice and do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.
  • Jeremiah 38:20But Jeremiah said, “They shall not deliver you. Please, obey the voice of the LORD which I speak to you. So it shall be well with you, and your soul shall live.
  • Ephesians 3:16-19 "That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, 17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height—to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."
  • 1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome
  • Revelation 22:14-16  Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”
  • John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish [hell], but have eternal life.
  • Revelation 22:14-16 Blessed are those who do His commandments,[a] that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. 15 But[b] outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. 16 “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”

Glaze through these verses like their just words or pick through them like your trying to find a treasure, either way, it's a choice, just like John 3:16 says "Whoever believes" ... It's your choice, but you need to make that choice, sooner than later, because you dont know if you have later.
  • Hebrews 5:9 having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him

4- Do you think people in authority over you are dumb? Parents? Pastors? The President? God? Do you see rules as a dumb set of rules that old people set for you to stop you from experiencing life to it's fullest? "DONT DRINK!" "SAVE SEX TILL MARRAGE!" Some people would definately see rules like that as "Fun killers". 
  • Romans 13:14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.
Ok, so you see this and say "Exactly! Another rule making ME not have any fun!" well, wait- you dont see the reason behind it.
  •  1st Peter 4:1-3 Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God. For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles—when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries.
Once you can see "Fun" for what it really is, you tend to shift your thinking to a better way of living, I'm not a conformist, living a "Pure life" with other people, everyone looking and smelling the same :D ... I could say the same about a bunch of drunks or druggies at a party for that matter! the only differience between Drunks, druggies, and Christians, is that We as Christians know where were going and have a comforter that is WAY beyond any high you could ever get, and is there for you when you feel lonely ... How do you get it?
It's more simple than you think. Ask.
then talk to a pastor or friend or even myself.

5- Who is your master?  No one right? You do what you want, when you want... It's the good life right? Did you know that your a slave to whatever your flesh wants? Try stopping stuff you "choose"  to do because you like it... try to stop fueling lustful thoughts, or drugs, alcohol, or pornogrophy, etc. I DARE you to see who is is control. Stop it for 1 month, you will feel the familiar TUG of you not being in control, and you wanting to give in... Not because you WANT to... but because you OBEY it.
  • Romans 6:12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.


If you have actually read this far, pretty cool huh? If you feel guilty- Give it to God and start over, Do your best for God.

Final thought:
In a war, there is ranks. People fight bloody battles... Even now in Iraq, since the war started in 2003, the Average death toll for American troops PER DAY is 2. Could you imagine another day asking yourself "Am I going to become a number" Well, I pray our servicemen over there stay safe, but the moral of that little story is to let you think about Structure and Authority... See, If that serviceman didnt obey his commanding officer, he could have became a number, or God forbid he was the catalyst for hundreds of people simply "Becoming a number" It's YOUR choice to obey... And guess what? Your in a battle RIGHT NOW! and it's as powerful and devistating as any world war! If God asks you to do something and you disobey... Who knows what may happen to YOU or those around you!

Obedience=Victory. Questions?
  • 2nd Timothy 1:7 For God as not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of live and of a sound mind.

Ephesians 5:8-18
8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the Spirit[b]is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), 10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather exposethem. 12 For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.14 Therefore He says: 
      “ Awake, you who sleep,
       Arise from the dead,
       And Christ will give you light.”
15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, 

Exodus 19:5Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.

That sounds like a cool promotion to me.
I'm Enlisted. You are too if you CHOOSE
  • 2nd Timothy 2:22 "Flee Youthful lusts [passions], but pursue righteousness WITH THOSE who call on God out of a pure heart.
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Banquet

   The 14 floors of poorly maintained floors had a faint smell of trash and has cracks in the walls coupled with peeling paint, layed in hopes of once being a thriving resort… as I entered this building I had no idea of the vision and work that was layed into its foundation and walls, let alone the other 2 mirrired towers complete with a beautiful pool… the seemingly only upkept area of the resort, and it was indeed, very nice. The rock archway that was a bridge across the pool, and the long island in the middle of the pool making for a gorgeous getaway from all the hustle and bustle of life, swimming in the pool gave an extremely nice feeling of what the vision was for this place.
   It wasn’t until my 3rd day there that I realized the full potential of what this pool could be, I walked past the people, through the corridors that felt like a mix of Afghanistan and western influence. Smiling with the girls and at the same time keeping a keen knowledge of my surroundings and being aware of what is and what could be. As the bunch of us got in the pool, I really felt at peace. I made sure our items were safe, and made sure I had fun with the girls in the pool… but little did I know how much fun I was about to actually have. 
I was quickly labeled “The dragon” because of my ability to stalk people underwater and make loud noises, spraying water everywhere. After we got in an argument with who owned the island, I quickly realized that women of this age still have the ability to reason and win arguments with ease, truly this skill is developed at a young age and matures very quickly; I was in shock. I crept into my cove and sunbathed for a while, then flipped into the water in pursuit of the women, then I realized “I should be nice to them!” so as I emerged out of the water slowly and wiped my eyes to see 3 angry women staring at me, I simply asked “Can I come over and play with you? It’s your island.” They all smiled and said “Oh Good! Now we can have a banquet and invite the dragon because he is good now!” So I was quickly rushed over to a section of the island where the first course of food was served, and I wrapped my shirt around my head so it looked like long hair, we ate our “food” which was leaves on leaves… and laughed as we talked in the afternoon breeze.

   I rushed over to apply the beauty of nature to my new hat (That now looked like a turban) applied long sharp leaves, dangling large leaves, and small bits of “dinner” to my brow. I transformed from a dragon to a prince, and invited everyone in the pool to a dance.
We all bowed to eachother and I began singing a melodic tune that enthused the girls as we danced in all fravality, using as much energy as possible, the twirling and singing was a memory all by itself, but when I stopped, gently panting, I noticed the people in the surrounding towers, staring at all of us, and I can only imagine what they were thinking… I just smiled and continued to dance and have fun with these fine women until it was time to go.

   I later found out that us having that amount of fun with kids was a testimony that went beyond all languages spoken here. Older people do not hang out or have fun with youth, there’s just “no importance in it” so me having that amount of fun must have made them ask the question “Should we love the youth?”  the thought of all westerners being Christians is the mindset of everyone here, and it was told later to me by Kay that “Just having fun like that was a huge testimony to the locals of what Christianity looks like” I just smiled after I heard that, and walked away wondering what other opportunities I could have.

The Elephant Trip

   The sound of motorcycles whizzing past the 15 passenger van trying to climb a steep mountain in 2nd gear tripped my mental record button. I look around the team to see anxious young women looking around wondering if one of the motorcycles were going to smack into us, Kay, Julie, and the driver sceaming about where to go eat, and finally choosing a buffet area that was apparently close by.

   Once we started down the mountain, the gas station and buffet center came into view. We pulled into the buffet area, and saw a big sign on the door that said “C” and we kinda joked about it being the C being a rating system… little did we know that I was about to rate it “C” mainly because in the expansive buffet, you paid for everything- It looked like 2RM (like $0.75) for every item on your plate, so rice and noodles- 4RM\$1.50, Fish heads in some odd red sauce, with a yellow curry chicken that you had to debone the chicken… and make sure the flys wernt making that their favorite dish either. All in all, I ate a bunch of peppers after my meal in hopes to kill any bugs. That meal being pretty scetch, wiping the mass amounts of sweat from my face, and smiling after such an amazing “cultural buffet”, we continued our journey.
Still smiling after lunch, the trip through the mountains became more and more beautiful, rice growing on the sides of mountains, the small towns peppering the mountainside with stories from the driver of a condominium that collapsed in a landslide years ago, but you could still see remnants.

   Passing the rolling hills and tree-covered mountains, engulfed in thick weeds. We took a turn heading into the mountains closer, noticing goats and dogs walking on the side of the road, the little shops and food areas showing signs of entrepreneurs in cooking, finding out later that they serve wild boar BBQ, and also finding out that the rainforest we were entering holds many animals including wild boar, tigers, elephants, monkeys, and apparently plenty of snakes. Just like that we came up to the elephant sanctuary, and took off our shoes (as is tradition) and entered the main building to catch up on out elephant knowledge before meeting them in person.

   Walking past a small stream I made my way with the group, walking behind all of them. I was watching the foreigners and natives making sure no one got too close to the ladies in our group, making sure that every woman’s purse was secure, and that every young woman was accounted for. Finally it happened, I heard what sounded like Chewbacca dying in the distance, I quickly turned in classic shock to see an elephant as tall as I was (from foot to shoulder) screaming at all of us. A moment of shock ran through me, but was quickly doused. As the elephants were bathing, I couldn’t help but be on high alert because of literally everyone being distracted, it was my duty to make sure foreign fingers stayed away from purses or backpacks. With the elephants clean, we fed the “small” elephants some peanuts, and I gotta say, their trunks are incredibly muscular, the sniffer area of the trunk pretty much grabs the peanuts and just tosses them in their mouth- It was awesome. Even touching their skin was an interesting experience.

   Then they ushered in the 3 elephants, one of them  being African. They were fed lunch, which was given by the group of tourists, these guys were huge. Their mouth was right at head level. I heard over the loud speaker the way to feed the elephants in an alternative way… but no one was doing it… so I took a chance and held the fruit we were feeding them close to his eye, and his trunk flipped up and huge mouth opened, I inserted the fruit into his mouth, accidentally touching his tongue… Everyone was in awe :D

   Time slipped by as I was waiting in line with the group, everyone taking turns 3 or 4 at a time, walking up a set of stairs onto a platform that you stood on to provide easy access to sit on an elephant and ride in a circle to finish maybe 3 minutes later… but still- ON AN ELEPHANT! It was great. I was looking around the group, again making sure that everyone was at a healthy distance from the group, but I was watching a few people who I flagged because they were staring and walking closer, and weirded me out more spiritually more than anything… Just then I saw a group of 3 people ON an elephant, walking toward the little river that was close by, as they got in, the elephant and trainer carefully choreographed move that combined the trainer on the elephant tapping, the trainer in the water making hand gestures, and the people on the elephants having no idea what’s going on until BOOM! The elephant flips on it’s side, flinging the riders into the river. 

   WOAH!!! Everyone exclaimed in a universal tone that was beyond all language barriers. People from Australia, Germany, the US, and Switzerland were quietly represented there, and all were in awe… except for the natives. I found out later that a gal on the team asked one of the locals “Have you ever been dumped off into the water?” and they replied in a slightly negative “No- Why would I want to do that?” Apparently tastes in fun vary from culture to culture.

   So It was my turn to get on the elephant… the elephant was knee-deep in the water with a massive “loading dock” platform that you held onto a rope and made my way to the front of the beast, then as I juuust got comfortable riding on the beast again… I felt it leaning to one side, then quickly give way like it just lost it’s right set of legs. I pre-planned on not holding onto anyone and as the elephant was going down, I quickly stuck both hands in the air to ensure a fun time.

   I’m having a blast down here, and in the back of my head, I ask myself “Why am I worthy of this?” “What did I do?” Kay and Julie especially are blessing me with this opportunity to come down here and enjoy the benefits of obedience and flowing in your calling. A Massive thank you to Kay and Julie for hosting me on this once in a lifetime journey for 2 months, God bless your being here, and the teams efforts as a whole in helping all of the people here in the eastern hemisphere.