The Crest of the Knights Hospitallers, The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, The Ecumenical Order.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


There's something to be said for waking up early, before all the noise.
Listening to some calm music, sipping on some coffee and asking God "What would you like me to do today?"

Quick morning devotional

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Nazi Christians V.S. Jesus Christians

I used to watch WW2 Documentaries as a child, they fascinated me, so much intrigue going on behind the scenes of the Nazi regime. It wasn't just a war of domination, for Hitler, it was a search for spiritual power. He had teams go out and search for artifacts including the ark of the covenant, the holy grail, anything from the time of Jesus... Anything. He knew there was some spiritual power that he could tap into, and he was willing to kill because of his lust for the supernatural. Obviously it was steeped in the occult, but the point I want to get at, is that He wanted the power of God without the process to get it.

It's like if we heard about a magical orb that would make us walk on water, heal people, and do things supernaturally, we would probably want it. In church we hear stories about Jesus doing miracles, and then hearing Jesus say "You will do greater miracles than I" ... That provokes thought of "I want to perform miracles! 

I have tried to part lakes, walk on water, heal people, raise animals from the dead, and probably a few other failed miracles that didn't work. But what I didn't realize until later, is that I had a "Nazi" mindset, I tried to attain greatness without going through the process. I wanted the power without going to the source of power.

Jesus is supposed to be our example, we have heard that, but who actually does it? Is it possible to live out the "Christian life" and walk as the pastor says? Or should we look to Jesus, read the bible for what it is, and let "Sunday Service" be more of a secondary growth opportunity? 

We need to be careful when we live our lives to not build our own empires, but to seek out Gods Kingdom in our life. It's not by our own works we become holy, it's when we join the human race and realize were broken and need a savior. Reach out to others in the right attitude!