The Crest of the Knights Hospitallers, The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, The Ecumenical Order.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sword fighting: 102 "The Fall"

   The image of the sun rising over the distant hills, a chill in the air, and the leaves turning colors are a constant reminder of this autumn morning. I'm exhausted spiritually. I was just in a huge battle for real a few nights ago, and I'm still healing from it. I have learned to me more aware, and more ready in every moment of life to defend and fight for what is right. I'm not talking about literally attacking someone, but when someone is telling you "You wont be important or attractive if your fat"... it's your choice to either accept that statement or block it. It's blocked by understanding that you were made in Gods  image, and God has plans to prosper you. Now That is a side of sword fighting people don't use as often... but like your muscles, it grows in time as you use it.

The physical sword you have can do a lot of damage, it can tear through anything visible. But what about the bible? It's a sword too- check this out-

Hebrews 4:12 
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart"

So train with the bible daily! It's more than "Devotions" or "Bible reading"... It's a warriors cry to his Captain, it's a call to arms, it's time to stand up and fight the good fight!

The most difficult battle is in you. If you want to be a warrior, you cant just buy the suit at wal-mart and call yourself a warrior, it's earned. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Abs of Steel!!

Yeah! Check this out!

Oh wait- you cant see em. HA!

   Turns out Godliness is something that you can exercise, but cant see as you would, say- Abs... Am I saying I'm a complete work of art when it comes to Godliness? Heck no! This is my point: Some people walk around with ripped abs and has that fake look on his face that literally screams to the world...

"You only wish you were this hot!"

 Ughh... Makes me sick.

   But in almost the same way- don't people who pretend to be holy or godly that have that look or feeling of "You only wish you were as close to God as I am!" Honestly- That too makes me sick, because from their point of view, it's all about them! I bet they pray more in public than in private...
*cough, cough*

Why cant we set better examples of who God is in our lives by not trying to be perfect, (because only Jesus is) but to tell everyone what your testimony is, where you came from, the struggles you had, and even tell some the struggles your currently having so you can start fighting! Is it so bad to be honest enough with our self so spur other's on to greatness by being vulnerable? Man- we are so selfish as humans.

(Note: Here's some online testimonies to watch: http://vimeo.com/generationsofvirtue/videos)

Anyway! From rock hard abs to the bowing of heads... What's real? What's for show? Who's the star? Did you know that your abs of steel and crunches wont last forever? I mean exercise is good because it helps you live LONGER, but does it stand the test of eternity? nope. (2nd Corinthians 4:18)

So stop trying to live by the rules of men and women, popularity, or even yourself. Live to please God alone, and one day, you will hear "Well done, good and faithful servant"

1st Timothy 4:8
 "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Big Move

(I wrote this some time ago, I just found it... Interesting perspective on obedience)

So bizarre.
Leaving all of your friends, family, Ministry, Job, even security, just because God said "Go"
It's a leap of faith that took absolutely no thinking, because when God says GO, you go.
If you dont go, who knows what life you will live

The walk

Walking through the forest by what used to be a beautiful area of reflection and tranquility, I reaalize this landscape was man made. Looking to the streams, paths, hills, and various landscapes, it was all made by the catholics sometime in the 40s or 50s I would imagine. Walking further past the thick trees with is falling leaves, I can't help but notice the trash thrown down here by generations past. Just now I'm standing by what looks like a small creator, and then I realize what this area was... This was a man made pool at one time, and it flowed to a dam downstream which is now just concrete rubble, and from there travels under a land bridge out the other side. So much history in this place. I'm walking by the pool now as I type this blog, and I can't help but wonder what nuns or people walked this path, what were they thinking, what did they pray?

My Island

Why did I feel like I had to take on the world? I cant.
There's no way I could have the drive to win SO STRONG to effect change in every human being, after all, if I tried, who would I be worshiping? God or myself? How about I just be obedient.

I'm walking along the boundary of who I am now, finding my limits and strong points. I still remember when I felt like my island was a continent, and everyone was on it- but as it turns out, I look to the edge of my island and find the pathetic reach that I have as an individual to effect change alone.

It's not my job to reach out and change people, but it is my job to love people. so, I love with all I have and let God change me, it's painful, but it's an awesome process.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sword fighting 101: Attitude

It's one thing to sword fight in an old cathedral where the catholic church used to be, and it's an amazing experience to read a bible verse that seems to hit you in the heart and slowly create change as you let God's word sink deeper. I can only believe that I am honoring this old building by sword fighting and training within it's damp and history filled walls. but more importantly, It's my heart bowing to the King of Kings that honors God. It's not in honoring people or old buildings that have brought me to where I am, It's the reverence and realization that Jesus Christ is alive and wants me to hear his voice, and develop a relationship that withstands time itself.

I'll be posting my sword fighting sessions on this blog for others to do or train if they wish :)

Step 1: If your new to sword fighting, get a smooth stick that is from the floor to your belly button in length. Maybe a broom handle or small dowel rod.