I started a journal, a special one dedicated to the pursuit of God, and the puzzle pieces that the bible have regarding your "Walk with Christ". Every verse is applicable to the book, every story a puzzle piece to fit together, every book applicable to you personally.
I remember the "Grail diary" from Indiana Jones, and how passionate the father was to find the actual Grail. Myths and legends of objects are one thing, but applying scripture to your life, and chasing after God, will make you want to sleep with a pen and paper.
It's not a myth to pursue Christ, It's the largest treasure that many have ignored... Sad. God is not a cup, nor a box to be contained in for your own benefit, you cant control Him, only follow his footsteps until something happens.
"It's work to pursue God, but so many of us fall short by loving ourself instead, being comfortable where we are, or wanting the gift without working for it or acknowledging the giver" Many people start this journey, reach ministry or even gain popularity, and think it's the top... it's not. Only when I see the backside of God as moses did will I be satisfied. Only when I'm walking side by side with my King of Kings will I be at home.
Miracles were never intended to raise someone to the status of "godly". God needs faceless hero's of the faith who will raise up themselves to the calling God has set before them... It's called the Bible. You don't need to be perfect to start a journey, just willing to start.
Wanna join me on this last epic quest? You can. Start here:
1) Buy a Journal
2) Write these verses in the journal
and comment on them
Jeremiah 29:13
2nd Timothy 2:22
Psalm 139:15-16
Acts 17:26
Matthew 5:48
Deuteronomy 4:29
Ephesians 3:20
John 17:23
1 John 4:10
And finally,
Luke 15:11-32
3)Read the bible for yourself, don't wait until Sundays :D
Your on your own journey, not riding on the robe of your pastor to bottle feed you bible.
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