The Crest of the Knights Hospitallers, The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, The Ecumenical Order.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I'm in North Carolina at the moment, in a gorgeous 13 bedroom lodge. This huge facility is set as part of Morningstar Ministries, a MASSIVE ministry port for men and women of all ages who are willing and ready for a move of God. They practice what I lovingly call "Experimental Christianity" because the "Norm" of church on sunday is starting to phase out quickly. The expedient move of God is awakening the church to a much greater, individualistic gifting and calling.
I was able to experience such a gifting that someone else had, 4 people in fact, who randomly decided to love on us in a non-religious way, and it was amazing. These people prayed for us dramatically, giving us words of knowledge, encouragement and prophecy. It had to have been an hour or two of just prayer and prophect outside in the North Carolina weather. During a more personal ministry time directed toward myself, they has me symbolically roar, yelling in the dense jungle that is surrounded by these hills. I did yell, more of a roar actually, and I specifically did it in direct attack to three specific areas. Something broke in me today, a warrior has been loosed.
I'm in the process right now of joining up with one of the most prestigious groups I can think of, and It's truly one of the biggest moments in my life. I will be joining the ranks of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. This Friday, May 21st, I will be Knighted in the Sovereign Order.
It doesnt seem possible that a sword loving boy like I began could grow up into a man who believes in standards, higher than what is available for men to simply find... I was unable to find any person who was "There" with his morals or personality. I had to make up my own standards, make my own flag to live by, and constantly asked myself "Is it worth it?" I was unable to really see others who were living this lifestyle, and on a number of occasions the option to choose otherwise became painfully clear, and instead of walking away- I made an OBVIOUS choice to make the RIGHT choice, and ever wondered if I was going to reap what I was sowing, never expecting anything seen, but that's another story...